Reflective Sketchbook and Journal

Reflective Sketchbook and Journal

Length: Whole Program (18 weeks)

Over the course of the program, students will document and reflect on their growth as artists and changemakers.
These books will serve many purposes during the program. Each week, they will respond to journal prompts and/or artistic exercises. As sketchbooks, they will serve as a place to brainstorm, sketch, and develop their ideas for their assignments, As journals, they will be places to reflect on their identity, relationships, and emotions. Especially so, the books will be a place to record and celebrate moments of joy and epiphany that each student experiences throughout the program.
Through repeated practice and reflection, students will strengthen their abilities of self- and social-awareness, managing relationships, and making responsible decisions. Students will also develop positive and resilient senses of identity.


Anchor Standards


Supporting Standards:


Priority Goals

  • Students will develop the intrapersonal skills necessary to recognize, regulate, and express emotions in a healthy way. These will be evident through their interactions with their classmates as well as their reflective journal entries.
  • Students will be able to take the perspective of and empathize with others in order to develop healthy and rewarding relationships with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Essential Questions

  • In a culture where we are bombarded with ideas and images of what we ‘should’ be, how does one form an identity that remains true and authentic for themselves?
  • What is changeable within ourselves?
  • How can I empower myself and others to make a change within our community?
  • What is social justice?
  • In what ways do artistic voices, especially mine, contribute to an ongoing history of social justice?

Resources for this unit

SEL Assessment