Emotions, Expression, and Resistance

Emotions, Expression, and Resistance

Length: 3 weeks

Art is a form of communication as much as it is a form of expression. How are artists able to translate their thoughts and feelings into visual elements?
In this unit students will learn the language and skills to express emotion both verbally and visually. Students will begin by exploring the concept of emotions and their influence over one’s behavior. Along the way, students will practice strategies of identifying and managing their emotions through mindfulness techniques. Students will elaborate their understandings of empathy and practice showing empathy to one another as they share stories during discussions.
We will then bridge the expression of emotions with creative expression. Students will analyze the connections between art and emotions as well as how artists effectively communicate abstract ideas
To put all of this in to practice, the artists will decide conduct a line study of an emotion of their choosing and present it to the class. Through their presentation, students will exhibit an awareness to their own emotions and provide analysis to their own feelings.


Anchor Standards

Supporting Standards:

Priority Goals

  • Students will develop the intrapersonal skills necessary to recognize, regulate, and express emotions in a healthy way.
  • Students will express complex, abstract ideas creatively and be able to describe the effectiveness of their work in detail.

Essential Questions

  • What are emotions? How do you express them?
  • How can you affect other peoples emotions?
  • In what ways can art soothe and comfort people?
  • What impact can language have on our emotions?
  • What helps you to get in a good mood when you're feeling down?

Lesson Map

Unit & Lesson Plan Map

Example Art Work

Bittersweet, Day Parker, 2020
Bittersweet, Day Parker, 2020

Notes & Resources